

843.6 million people worldwide are living with chronic 肾脏 disease (CKD)1一种渐进的、可能致命的疾病.2 然而,大多数人仍未得到诊断和治疗.3

澳门葡京网赌游戏, we believe we have an important role to play in driving better patient outcomes. We are aiming to help reduce progression to 肾脏 failure by 20% by 2025. 通过全球合作倡议, 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的现实世界证据(RWE)计划, our ambition is to support healthcare professionals (HCPs) in prioritising CKD diagnosis and 管理, ensuring patients understand their risk factors and can address these with their HCPs, and to work with stakeholders in prioritising CKD screening at the policy level.



慢性肾病患者的肾功能下降,如果不治疗, 他们的慢性肾病最终会发展成危及生命的肾衰竭5 although most patients are more likely to die from cardiovascular causes before getting to this stage.6 Many of these patients will need renal replacement therapy such as dialysis to replace their 肾脏 function7,这严重影响了他们的生活质量.8

甚至在进步之前, 慢性肾病患者报告说,他们的生活和日常活动受到疾病及其并发症的影响.9 他们可能会经历严重的身体限制, 生活质量下降, 失业, 情绪和认知障碍, 社会孤立和过早死亡.10 如果病人的CKD进展到需要透析的地方, they may experience additional stress from the financial impact and time commitment of dialysis, 同时觉得自己是照顾者的负担.11

慢性肾病不仅在个体层面上影响患者, 还有更广泛的社会和环境. 慢性肾病是全球卫生支出的主要原因,12 and its burden weighs heavily on individuals and healthcare systems alike. 在世界上的高收入国家, 2–3% of the annual healthcare budget is spent on renal replacement therapy.13

另外, 慢性肾病的治疗, 像透析, leave a considerable carbon footprint and can cause environmental pollution due to frequent medical interventions, 使用产生医疗废物的产品, 运行机器的能源和水的消耗.10 透析仍然是医学中碳浓度最高的领域之一, consuming enormous amounts of water and producing high amounts of medical waste.14 In a year, globally dialysis uses more than 169 billion litres of water10 并产生了超过10亿公斤的医疗废物.15

随着慢性肾病的负担不断增加, the environmental impact is expected to do so too: recent UK data predicts environmental impacts equivalent to 1.三千五百万公吨一氧化碳2 到2032年,接受中心血液透析的患者的总环境影响可能会更大,如果包括所有CKD护理途径.16


慢性肾病可以影响任何人, 但如果一个人患有糖尿病,风险就会增加, 高血压, 心脏病, 肥胖, 或者有慢性肾脏疾病的家族史.17

CKD在早期阶段被认为是一种沉默的疾病, 因为对病人来说经历很少是正常的, 如果有任何, 早期症状.18 这意味着它通常被诊断得很晚,而且治疗时间过长.18 通常, people with CKD could lose up to 90% of their 肾脏 function before experiencing any symptoms of the disease.19 失去的肾功能不能恢复, leaving healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients with the prospect of 肾脏 failure.20

Early CKD diagnosis may slow progression and avoid cardiovascular complications21

Recent RWE of United States health data has demonstrated the benefits of recording a diagnosis at Stage 3 CKD, 表明它可以帮助改善肾脏健康,显著降低肾小球滤过率(eGFR)的下降. 将第3期的诊断延迟一年导致疾病进展到第4期或第5期的风险增加40%,需要肾脏移植或长期透析治疗的风险增加63%, 哪些是肾衰竭的指标. 这突出了在高危人群中进行早期筛查的必要性.22

而慢性肾病本身很难治疗, it can also increase the risk of cardiovascular (CV) diseases and death.23,24 Research continues to show the connection between cardiovascular and renal conditions, 由于心脏和肾脏关系如此密切, 慢性肾病可引起或加重心血管疾病,如心力衰竭.23,24 多达五分之一的CKD患者会发展为心衰, 使其成为CKD患者的主要心血管并发症.23,24


澳门葡京赌博游戏认为自己是医疗保健社区的核心部分,并致力于与整个肾脏社区-患者合作, HCPs, 政策制定者, 行业领导者和更多-改变CKD的交付和护理.

By 2025, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是支持对1.4亿高危人群进行筛查, 通过与主要医疗保健利益相关者和政策制定者的合作,帮助改善肾脏健康,将肾衰竭患者人数减少20%.

为了实现这一目标, 澳门葡京赌博游戏启动了CKD项目“共同加速变革”(ACT),以推动整个医疗生态系统对CKD的全面变革. 通过ACT治疗CKD, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是提高对慢性肾病的认识, support primary care physicians to carry out routine screenings and diagnose CKD early, highlight the need for policy reform to achieve sustainable change to support people at risk of CKD, 并最终降低疾病进展的风险.

Early screening and diagnosis are particularly vital components of ACT on CKD, as early identification and intervention can help improve outcomes and quality of life for CKD patients. 自2021年在CKD上推出ACT以来, 澳门葡京赌博游戏估计,澳门葡京赌博游戏已经为3200多万高危人群的筛查做出了贡献,并帮助1000多万CKD患者在全球得到诊断.


To drive change in CKD, we are working together with global, 区域 and local partners. 澳门葡京赌博游戏支持世界各地的许多项目,帮助卫生保健专业人员通过增加门诊环境中的血液(eGFR)和尿液(尿白蛋白-肌酐比)检测来促进CKD高危患者的筛查, 比如医生办公室或门诊候诊室. In some countries we also support home screening with easy-to-use urine test kits.

澳门葡京网赌游戏澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于通过合作伙伴关系来改变肾脏健康,旨在减少进展为肾衰竭的患者数量. 澳门葡京赌博游戏希望帮助扩大早期检测,以改善患者的预后,并支持政策改革,以实现支持慢性肾病患者的卫生政策的可持续变化.

凯拉Obolensky Senior Director, 全球 心血管,肾脏和代谢 Policy, 澳门葡京网赌游戏


澳门葡京赌博游戏希望提供医疗保健提供者(hcp), decision makers and patients with the necessary information to drive change. We are committed to expanding understanding around CKD and have generated real-world evidence on:

  • 诊断不足的程度 以及早期CKD诊断的临床影响

  • 预测的未来流行率, 疾病负担, 医疗保健的使用和成本, 以及筛查的好处 

  • 患者特征描述, 监控, 管理, 患者疾病经历, and quality of life to prospectively test new approaches to CKD 管理 

  • 预计的社会经济和环境影响 以及如何通过早期诊断和干预来减少慢性肾病 

  • Describing the high hospitalisation risk and associated healthcare costs in patients with incident CKD Stage 3-4

  • Demonstrating the quality of life (QoL) and financial burden of CKD on patients and carers

The prevalence of undiagnosed Stage 3 chronic 肾脏 disease as shown in Reveal CKD requires immediate attention. Inside CKD的结果显示了主要国家的预计患病率,以及迫切需要在早期肾脏疾病中进行诊断,以便患者能够接受指导的药物治疗.25澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于为慢性肾病患者带来有意义的改变,通过突出这些诊断差距,并帮助HCPs提供主动筛查的工具.

Miroslav精英 澳门葡京网赌游戏全球商业副总裁


澳门葡京赌博游戏最近资助并发起了“改变肾脏健康”运动, a campaign in partnership with the 全球 Patient Alliance for Kidney Health. 为肾脏健康做出改变呼吁各国政府和政策制定者认识到CKD是一个紧迫的全球卫生优先事项,以实施以患者为中心和基于证据的政策,以实现早期发现, 诊断和立即获得护理和推荐治疗,为患者带来最好的可能结果, 卫生系统, 护理人员, 经济和地球.


你有能力为肾脏健康做出改变. 更多信息请访问 为肾脏健康做出改变.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的使命是推动慢性肾脏疾病的改变, 哪个是一个日益增长的问题,在多个方面都有影响——包括更广泛的社会和环境. 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏广泛的ACT CKD计划, 澳门葡京赌博游戏看到了支持卫生保健专业人员和临床实践以帮助增加诊断和早期干预的绝佳机会.

埃尔玛Malvolti MD, 医学的头, 全球医疗保健变革规划, 心血管,肾脏和代谢, 澳门葡京网赌游戏

它需要整个肾脏社区——患者, HCPs, 政策制定者, 行业成员和更多的人-将CKD的交付和护理从肾衰竭转向肾脏保存. 澳门葡京赌博游戏坚定不移地致力于改变CKD,直到澳门葡京赌博游戏为全世界的患者实现可持续的改变,澳门葡京赌博游戏才会休息.



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Veeva ID: Z4-62674


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