Tezepelumab NAVIGATOR III期试验达到了主要终点,在广泛的严重哮喘患者人群中有统计学意义和临床意义的恶化减少


2020年11月10日07:00 GMT


澳门葡京网赌游戏(澳门葡京网赌游戏)和安进(Amgen)今天宣布,潜在新药tezepelumab用于重度糖尿病患者的NAVIGATOR III期试验取得积极结果, 不受控制的哮喘.

NAVIGATOR达到了tezepelumab加入标准护理(SoC)的主要终点,显示出统计学意义和临床意义1 reduction in the annualised asthma exacerbation rate (AAER) over 52 weeks in the overall patient population, 与安慰剂相比. SoC是中剂量或高剂量吸入皮质类固醇(ICS)加上至少一种额外的控制药物,有或没有口服皮质类固醇(OCS)。.

在基线嗜酸性粒细胞计数低于每微升300个细胞的患者亚组中,试验也达到了主要终点, with tezepelumab demonstrating a statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in AAER. 在基线嗜酸性粒细胞计数低于每微升150个细胞的患者亚组中,也观察到AAER的类似减少.

Tezepelumab在严重哮喘患者中耐受性非常好. 初步分析显示tezepelumab组和安慰剂组在安全性结果上没有临床意义上的差异. Results from the NAVIGATOR trial will be presented at a forthcoming medical meeting.

严重的哮喘 is a debilitating condition affecting approximately 34 million people worldwide.2.3 尽管使用了高剂量哮喘控制药物,许多严重哮喘患者仍然出现症状并频繁加重, 目前可用的生物疗法和OCS.3-5

Andrew Menzies-Gow教授, 肺科主任, 皇家布朗普顿医院, 伦敦, UK, NAVIGATOR III期临床试验的首席研究员, 他说:“由于严重哮喘的复杂性, 尽管接受了标准治疗的吸入药物和目前批准的生物制剂,许多患者仍然面临衰弱症状. 今天的突破性结果表明,tezepelumab有可能改变目前服务不足的广大严重哮喘患者的护理, 包括那些没有嗜酸性表型的.”

Mene Pangalos,澳门葡京赌博游戏R的执行副总裁&D, 他说:“Tezepelumab的作用不同于任何其他哮喘生物药物,它针对导致哮喘症状和恶化的多种炎症途径. 在先前tezepelumab广泛疗效的基础上, these are exciting data that bring us one step closer to delivering a medicine to severe asthma patients, 包括那些嗜酸性粒细胞计数低的人.”

Tezepelumab is a potential first-in-class medicine that blocks the action of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), an epithelial cytokine that plays a key role across the spectrum of asthma inflammation.6,7 NAVIGATOR is the first Phase III trial to show benefit in severe asthma by targeting TSLP.

tezepelumab在基线嗜酸性粒细胞计数低于每微升300个细胞的患者中显示的具有统计学意义和临床意义的恶化率降低支持了这一观点 美国食品和药物管理局认定的突破性疗法 于2018年9月授予tezepelumab用于严重哮喘患者, 无嗜酸性表型. Tezepelumab由澳门葡京网赌游戏与安进合作开发(见下文澳门葡京网赌游戏与安进合作)。.


Asthma is a heterogeneous disease affecting an estimated 339 million people worldwide.2,3 大约10%的哮喘患者患有严重哮喘.3,4 尽管使用吸入哮喘控制药物, 目前可用的生物疗法和OCS, 许多严重的哮喘患者仍未得到控制.3-5 由于严重哮喘的复杂性, 许多患者有不清楚的或多种炎症驱动因素,可能不符合当前生物药物的资格或对其反应良好.4,8,9

严重的, 不受控制的哮喘 is debilitating with patients experiencing frequent exacerbations, 肺功能明显受限,生活质量下降.3,5,10 严重哮喘患者的死亡风险增加,与哮喘相关的住院人数是后者的两倍.11-13 还有一个重大的社会经济负担, 这些患者占哮喘相关费用的50%.14


基于IIb期PATHWAY试验, III期PATHFINDER项目包括两项试验, NAVIGATOR和SOURCE.15,16 The programme includes additional planned mechanistic and long-term safety trials.

NAVIGATOR是III期试验, 随机, 双盲, 安慰剂对照 trial in adults (18–80 years old) and adolescents (12–17 years old) with severe, 不受控制的哮喘, 谁正在接受中剂量或高剂量ICS加至少一种额外的对照药物治疗,有或没有OCS. The trial population included approximately equal proportions of patients with high (≥ 300 cells/µL) and low (< 300 cells/µL) blood eosinophil counts. 试验包括五到六周的筛选期, 治疗期52周,治疗后随访12周. All patients received their prescribed controller medications without change throughout the trial.15,17

The primary efficacy endpoint was the annualised asthma exacerbation rate during the 52-week treatment period. 关键次要终点包括tezepelumab对肺功能的影响, 哮喘控制与健康相关的生活质量.15,17

SOURCE是一个三期多中心, 随机, 双盲, 与这些相应平行的组织, 需要持续使用ICS加长效β 2激动剂(LABA)治疗的成年严重哮喘患者48周的安慰剂对照试验, 以及慢性的OCS维持治疗. The primary endpoint is the categorised percentage reduction from baseline in the daily OCS dose, 同时不失去哮喘控制.16,18

Patients who participated in the NAVIGATOR和SOURCE trials were eligible to continue in DESTINATION, 评估长期安全性和有效性的III期扩展试验.19


Tezepelumab is a potential first-in-class human monoclonal antibody that inhibits the action of TSLP, 一个关键的上皮细胞因子,位于多个炎症级联反应的顶端,在过敏的开始和持续中起关键作用, 嗜酸性 and other types of airway inflammation associated with severe asthma.6,7 TSLP is released in response to multiple triggers associated with asthma exacerbations, 包括过敏原, 病毒和其他空气中的微粒.6,7 TSLP在哮喘患者气道中的表达增加,并与疾病严重程度相关.7,20 Blocking TSLP may prevent the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by immune cells, resulting in the prevention of asthma exacerbations and improved asthma control.7,20 Tezepelumab作用于炎症级联反应的顶端,无论其炎症类型如何,都有可能治疗广泛的严重哮喘患者.7,20


2020年早些时候,安进和澳门葡京网赌游戏更新了 2012年合作协议 对于tezepelumab. 在澳门葡京网赌游戏向安进支付个位数的专利使用费后,两家公司将继续平均分担成本和利润. 澳门葡京网赌游戏 continues to lead development and Amgen continues to lead manufacturing. All aspects of the collaboration are under the oversight of joint 政府erning bodies. 根据修订后的北美协议, Amgen and 澳门葡京网赌游戏 will jointly commercialise tezepelumab; Amgen will record sales in the US and 澳门葡京网赌游戏 will record sales in Canada. 澳门葡京网赌游戏’s share of gross profits from tezepelumab in the US will be recognised as collaboration revenue. In all countries outside the US and Canada, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 will solely commercialise tezepelumab. 澳门葡京网赌游戏将把美国以外的所有销售记录为产品销售,并将安进在毛利润中的份额计入销售成本.

澳门葡京网赌游戏在呼吸系统 & 免疫学

呼吸 & 免疫学 is one of 澳门葡京网赌游戏’s three therapy areas and is a key growth driver for the Company.

澳门葡京网赌游戏是呼吸系统护理领域的领导者, and its inhaled and biologic medicines reached more than 53 million patients in 2019. 建在50年的历史遗产上, the Company aims to transform the treatment of asthma and COPD by focusing on earlier biology-led treatment, 消除可预防的哮喘发作, 消除慢性阻塞性肺病前三大死亡原因的地位. The Company’s early respiratory research is focused on emerging science involving immune mechanisms, lung damage and abnormal cell-repair processes in disease and neuronal dysfunction.

With common pathways and underlying disease drivers across respiratory and immunology, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 is following the science from chronic lung diseases to immunology-driven disease areas. 该公司在免疫学领域的业务日益增长,主要集中在五个具有多疾病潜力的中后期特许经营权, 包括风湿病学(包括系统性红斑狼疮), 皮肤病学, 胃肠病学, 以及系统性嗜酸性粒细胞引起的疾病. 澳门葡京网赌游戏在呼吸系统领域的雄心 & 免疫学 is to achieve disease modification and durable remission for millions of patients worldwide.


澳门葡京网赌游戏(LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN)是一家全球性制药公司, 以科学为主导的澳门葡京赌博游戏公司,专注于发现, 处方药的开发和商业化, 主要用于治疗肿瘤等三个治疗领域的疾病, 心血管, 肾 & 新陈代谢和呼吸 & 免疫学. 总部设在剑桥, UK, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. 请访问 澳门葡京网赌游戏.com 并在推特上关注公司 @澳门葡京网赌游戏.


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